Trader Table: Your Comprehensive Trading Guide

Trader Table: Your Comprehensive Trading Guide

A Look Inside A Trader’s Workspace

Recently, there has been a spike in interest regarding the workspaces of those who trade for a living. In particular, there’s a fascination with how their desks are organized and what kind of hardware they use. This has led to a noticeable uptick in inquiries, warranting a closer look at a typical trading setup located in a home office in Vancouver, BC.

Contrary to what some might expect, the setup in question is quite straightforward, consisting of a laptop paired with an extra travel monitor. The second screen is not a necessity but rather an added convenience, often utilized for live training sessions and occasional web browsing or email checking. Fundamentally, trading operations are executed efficiently on a single screen.

The Philosophy Behind a Simple and Mobile Trading Desk

  • Years ago, Forex trading entailed a more complex setup, with three large 23″ screens displaying 4-6 charts each for various currency pairs;
  • Watching up to 18 charts simultaneously, plus additional windows for indicator data, involved tracking numerous elements during a trading session;
  • In retrospect, this seems excessive, yet it pales in comparison to the barrage of information some traders subject themselves to.

The realization dawned that this complexity in trading setups was unnecessary and often stemmed from the misconception that complexity is a requisite for successful trading. The belief that more information and a more elaborate setup would lead to better outcomes was prevalent. However, experience has shown that simplicity often trumps complexity in trading, regardless of the trader’s skill level.

While extensive trading desks boasting numerous monitors are often a source of pride, they are not essential for achieving top-tier profitability. They can even be a hindrance due to their impact on mobility.

The motivation for transitioning to the Emini S&P 500 (ES) futures market was the pursuit of a fully mobile career, enabling trading from anywhere at any time. The goal was to trade efficiently with a single chart for a single instrument, leveraging the consistent opportunities for profit in the ES market, without the need for an elaborate setup. Emini Day Trading Strategies hold a pivotal position in enhancing traders’ outcomes.

Essential Hardware for Professional Day Trading

Multiple monitors on a desk displaying various financial charts and data
  • The essential component from the depicted trading desk setup is the laptop, which only needs to be of moderate range in terms of price and performance to efficiently operate the STA Day Trading System;
  • Extensive travels and living in various countries have proven that with just a laptop and a reliable internet connection, trading and teaching from different locations are entirely feasible;
  • The laptop in use is a high-spec 15″ Sager, equipped with an i7 processor, 16GB of RAM, and an extra video card, although such specifications are not necessary for trading activities.

The significant specification that proves useful is the i7 processor, complemented by the superior airflow of a quality Sager build, which is beneficial for swiftly encoding videos for live training sessions, recaps, and weekly trade reviews for students. Without the need to encode videos, a more compact and portable device like the Surface 3 or the recently announced Surface Book would be considered as a viable option.

The Advantages of a Portable Monitor in Trading

Incorporating a travel-friendly monitor into a trading setup enhances mobility and convenience. Models like the HP U160 are designed to be lightweight and compact, eliminating the need for heavy power cords by utilizing a USB port for power. With built-in protective casing, such monitors offer an optimal solution for traders who require portability in their equipment.

The Advantages of Streamlining Your Trading Environment

A minimalist trading setup fosters flexibility and can significantly diminish the mental and emotional burden often associated with monitoring an array of charts across several screens. Additionally, it curtails the potential for burnout that comes with the inundation of information, promoting a more focused and sustainable approach to market engagement.

Embracing Simplicity in Your Trading Approach

Hands typing on a keyboard with a stock market analysis display on the screen

The trading profession isn’t about the struggle to comprehend dozens of charts daily. It’s about making informed decisions and driving profits. A minimalist approach could be the answer to this. By focusing on singular charting and trading, the process becomes less stressful and more manageable. The transition towards simplicity not only brings clarity to your trading process but also opens up the opportunity for more adventures.

Indeed, shifting to a simpler trading approach requires a mindset change. But, the benefits of this transition are rewarding. A streamlined setup, flexibility, less stress, and the freedom to explore the world while maintaining productivity are the hallmarks of embracing simplicity in trading. It’s well worth considering if you’re looking to boost your trading productivity while enjoying the freedom of location independence.


In conclusion, the streamlined simplicity of a trading setup can significantly contribute to the efficiency and stress-management of a trader. Embracing mobility and clarity over complex multitudes of charts fosters a healthier trading environment and provides the freedom to work from anywhere. Remember, successful trading is not determined by the complexity of your setup but by the smart, educated decisions you make. Making the shift to a minimalist approach might be the key to enhancing your trading performance and the overall quality of your trading life.